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SOUTH CROYDON / PURLEY OAKS - sadly deceased

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:18 am
by Hannah1980
A good friend of mine contacted me in the early hours of this morning, distressed after hitting a cat - he has put a post on Facebook on Cats Protection site and I said I would pop a post on here as he is desperate to locate the cats owners (the cat sadly passed away).

This is a cut and paste of the FB post (he added 2 pictures which he took of the cat in order to help identify him/her however I am unsure of how to post pictures and they are also quite upsetting) - the post is as follows -



It's with a heavy heart that I post this.
At 1.30pm on Sat 18th July, i unfortunately ran over this poor cat on Brighton Road in South Croydon, outside Purley Oaks Recycling Centre. Despite my best efforts to brake the cat unfortunately caught my wheel as it ran out at very short notice.

Without too much detail, I brought the cat to the side and established it was still breathing and conscious so I phoned the RSPCA, but unfortunately the cat passed away during the call.

I checked its collar but there was no contact information so I have been unable to inform the owners. So I'm hoping that somehow we can get this information to them, as the animal has now reluctantly been organised to be collected by Croydon Council.

The cat is a dark grey-brown and white and had a worn blue collar with a bell. The cat had no noticeable features that distinguished it, however was an adult sized cat and very healthy. I have attached photos for those to see, and I do apologise if these upset.

If you are the owner you are more than welcome to contact me and I will happily speak to you, as I appreciate this may be a major loss to you and your family. And again I extend my apologies and condolences.

Please, help me find the owners and let them know what's happened!

Many thanks,

Re: SOUTH CROYDON / PURLEY OAKS - sadly deceased

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:33 pm
by Crewella
If you send me the pics ([email protected]) I will put them on here for you. I can do it as a link so that people have to choose to click and see them, to avoid upsetting anyone by just having them immediately visible on the thread.

I'm so sorry, your friend must be in bits. Bless him for trying to find the poor cat's owners.

Ideally he should take the cat to a local vet, who will check it for a microchip. Hopefully Croydon Council would check for a chip.