Obee needs a new home (Essex) (Homed)

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Obee needs a new home (Essex) (Homed)

Post by Obees_Dad »

This distinctive, adorable and incredibly affectionate male (neutered and chipped) cat is sadly unable to stay where he is.

He's always been quite a small cat and although appearing to be black and white in most light, he is actually brown in bright sunlight leading some to suggest that he may be part Burmese. By my reckoning he'll be 12 in April but despite of his age, he still retains many kitten traits (playing with wool is a favourite); again leading to the conversation that he may have some purebred in him.

I only learnt of this forum today while speaking with my local Cat's Protection and was advised to join here as their re-homing policy is one out, one in; and so I cannot be given any precise date as to when a space may become available. So in the meantime I'm hoping that this forum may give him a small platform to attract a potential new owner.

Obee has been with me since he was a kitten, brought up with other cats and with children. After a marriage breakdown he became a house cat, before becoming a social cat, then a seldom coming home cat (a too much of a social cat if you will :)) and he became more inclined to spend time with the cats next door. He very much adapts to the environment he's in. Only this week he needed to revert back to a house cat over night and used a litter tray for the first time in years with no accidents whatsoever.

The reason for me needing to re-house him is several fold. Firstly, I have recently had to become a carer for my mother. She is frightened that having the cat around her legs, particularly when he's trying to show affection in his own way, could cause her to trip or stumble. The neighbour where he had been staying is no longer able to look after him and just for good measure, although suspected and very quickly forgotten in the summer, now with no doubt at all, I've become allergic to him. After taking several buses to get him to the vet on Monday I found myself with swollen, itchy eyes and runny nose. I had no idea that such allergies can develop from seemingly nowhere but after been advised that in extreme cases throats can swell and block air passages I spent Monday night firmly out of the way from Obee. I gave him a make-shift litter tray and to his credit he adapted very well indeed.

At the moment I have a temporary agreement in place, pretty much on a day to day basis with my neighbour who is good enough to let him stay with her, although her large tom doesn't seem to get on with Obee very much and there appears to be a power struggle for elevated warm positions between the males. I am very grateful to her for helping me at this time but it is strictly temporary and so here I am.

I have attached several photos of Obee which were taken quite a few years ago although he's exactly the same today as he was then. As I said, he's never been a big cat but he's healthy, as verified by a vet only this week although he did receive treatment for a skin irritation at the consultation.
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Updated title to “rehomed"
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Re: Obee needs a new home

Post by Obees_Dad »

Okay, so I said I was new and haven't yet figured how to upload attachments. Here try number two...
Pic04.jpg (29.92 KiB) Viewed 3038 times
Obee looking inquisitive
Pic06.jpg (31.92 KiB) Viewed 3038 times
A cunning disguise
Pic05.jpg (50.05 KiB) Viewed 3038 times
Black or brown?
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Re: Obee needs a new home

Post by Mrs Kane »

Could you provide a general location for us Obee Dad? Just for any interested new owners. :)
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Re: Obee needs a new home

Post by Obees_Dad »

Certainly, I'm in Essex in the UK. Conveniently just off the main road between London and Ipswich.

I really had thought I'd entered my location. :? Apologies for that and thanks for the prompt.
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Re: Obee needs a new home (Essex)

Post by Cat-FAQ »

Cat Chat’s rehoming advice page might help, which also includes advice on ways to avoid having to rehome: http://www.catchat.org/rehome.html
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Re: Obee needs a new home (Essex)

Post by Obees_Dad »


It's been just over two months since my original post and as my original post mentioned, Obee being placed on the Essex Cat Protection register. I would like to provide an update as I'm amazed that my posting attracted over a hundred views. (He is a little cutie though isn't he! :))

I received a phone call a day or two ago letting me know that if I am still interested, a home for Obee can be found relatively nearby from Easter Monday onwards. I informed my neighbour and initially made arrangements for when and where to take him when the day arrived. A few hours later I got a knock at the door. She want's to keep him! *YAY! Result!!)

It's tremendous news for me, my mum who I look after and my daughter who visits very regularly. My neighbour explained that although it would upset her to take him knowing he wasn't coming back; she would constantly be wondering what he's doing and although we know the love the vast majority of cat owners/adopters give to their pets, she'd never definitively have that guarantee that she wasn't treating him better. Thankfully the feud with her tomcat seems to have been brought to a truce and her beautiful long-haired queen who Obee regularly plays with would miss him very much. I can just imagine a purrceived lament coming from Obee ruing the day that he was neutered. They'd have made sensational kittens!

Anyway. I would like to thank everyone on this forum and especially those who took the time to read my original post. I hope that it warms your hearts as it does ours knowing that Obee won't need to be re-homed and that we can continue to see him regularly around the communal gardens.

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter and much happiness with your adorable fluffy companions.
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Re: Obee needs a new home (Essex) (Homed)

Post by Janey »

That’s great news for everyone! your neighbour must love Obee lots :)
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