Thin cat needs weight gain!

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Thin cat needs weight gain!

Post by Saffey »

Hi all
I have a 5 year old Ragdoll cat called Chip. Hes happy and healthy apart from his weight. He is a house cat and I struggle to get him to gain weight. He has always been a thin cat.. We have had him to the vets and spent hundreds of pounds on tests and more tests and there is nothing wrong with him apart from hes fussy. He was on steroids for a while which worked but i would rather not have that as a long term..
He will only eat James Wellbeloved kitten dry food. I have two other cats who get wet food as well as dry and Chip will not touch this. I have tried all sorts of wet and dry food from cheap to expensive and he turns his nose up at them all. He will eat cooked chicken from the leg, and dreamies treats. However nothing seems to help him gain weight. He can sometimes get a poorly tummy and blader infections but hasnt for about a year now. Hes very active.. Always running around and playing and has bright eyes and a nice coat.
So my question is.. Does anyone have any ideas what else I can do or try? Would love him to gave some meat on his bones like my other two cats.

Thank you

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Re: Thin cat needs weight gain!

Post by Lilith »

Hi Saffey and welcome :)

It's obvious that you've done everything you can to rule out any health problems in Chip's case though I agree he's faddy, naughty lad lol.

But just as in people, some cats are skinny, some pile on the weight. I once had a very elegant Siamese who could eat for Thailand but if visitors spotted him they turned accusing glares on me as if I starved the poor chap. Like Chip, he was perfectly healthy - just skinny.

Personally I wouldn't worry. He is as he is, and he may get a little heavier as he gets older (cats often do) or he may not. It's a better problem to have than to be overweight; it must be awful to have to diet an obese cat. I'd still persist in trying to tempt him to a bigger selection of foods, just in case you couldn't get hold of his favourite biscuits, but he sounds to be doing fine to me.

Hopefully there'll be other people along with more advice (there's a very good visual weight guide and can't find it but someone else may know of it) but hope this helps for now :)
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Re: Thin cat needs weight gain!

Post by Saffey »

Thank you so much for the reply. Its nice to know you have had the same with yours! Feels like everywhere I go people have nice round cats! Maybe its a pedigree thing?!

Thank you for putting my mind at rest! I guess its no different to some people putting on weight easyer then others. Just always had good weight gaining pets!

Thanks again ☺
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Re: Thin cat needs weight gain!

Post by alanc »

This link has a few cat body shape and weight charts in it.
I think you must have tried everything! As long as he is happy and active, I wouldn't worry to much. I used to have two cats, Honey and Misty. Misty ate 3/4 of the cat food and was a thin as a rake, whilst Honey was about 2kg overweight!
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