Random Scratching

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Random Scratching

Post by vic23 »

Hi All,

Since we have had her really, Daisy sometimes randomly scratches and claws both me and my boyfriend. We read up on this and a website said that they can sometimes get overstimulated and basically fed up of being stroked etc. However, some occasions (like tonight), she will willingly get on our laps and get comfy without being invited. We were not stroking or touching her and she randomly scratches drawing blood. Anyone have any ideas?

Daisy is doing well on her steroids so I don' t think it is down to feeling poorly.
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Re: Random Scratching

Post by Lilith »

Hi Vic, glad she's doing so well :)

With the scratching, does she suddenly smack you or land out at you, or does she dig her claws into you for no reason, or just idly 'pluck' (I don't mean the kneading or paddling that a cat does, but just sort of idle plucking, a bit like us lying on grass on a hot day and plucking at the blades.) My Molly does this to the duvet and I correct her gently, saying 'no', as it's playing hell with the material, but she always starts again next time. I suppose I could put my foot down with a heavy hand and make her get off the bed but I'm always so pleased she's there that it seems mean to make a fuss. I think I'd be a lot sterner if it was my skin though!

I don't know why she does it either. So while I can't offer you any insight or solutions, if Daisy is doing this I'd certainly suggest saying 'No', or 'No claws!' and enforcing the command if she doesn't stop. Then when she does, tell her what a good girl she is and reassure her of her welcome, but make it plain you're not a pincushion. Cats don't, sadly, realise that human skin isn't protected by fur; that's why they'll give us a hard wallop that wouldn't hurt another cat, but will leave a human bleeding. If she'll let you, I'd keep the tips of her claws trimmed too.

Hope other people have more ideas; all the best :)
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