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Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:24 pm
by bobbys girl
Hi guys, long time, no see. I am hoping some of you experienced kitty folks might have some suggestions as to how we can help our old girl Willow.

In the last few weeks Willow has gone off even her favourite foods and has lost quite a bit of weight. We noticed her 'gulping' like she was having difficulty swallowing. We took her to the vets last week and they did a full health check. All they could find were a couple of teeth that needed to come out and a slight bladder/kidney infection. She has had AB's and we have been giving her (under protest) high quality chicken pate . She was getting so stressed that on Friday night we took her back to the vets and they kept her in on a drip. This morning her T4 results came back 'OK'. The vet is going to call us later. They can find no major problems but still Willow is reluctant to eat.

She has always been a feisty little girl and not a good patient. One of the vets dealing with her said she might have a sore throat due to reflux, but surely that should be getting better by now. I would really welcome some imput from you. I am still not over the loss of little Freddie at the beginning of the year. I couldn't stand to lose my old girl - my first cat, but we can't let this situation go on much longer.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:47 pm
by fjm
I have found a little - very little - raw beef liver gets Tilly eating when she otherwise loses interest. It is very high in B12 and other B vitamins, so perhaps that is why. Around 10g a day for two or three days is enough - Morrison's sell it, and I chop it into tiny pieces and freeze it. If Willow is struggling to chew you could liquidise it and give her half a teaspoonful.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:56 pm
by bobbys girl
Thank you for that. We don't have a Morrisons here but I know a butcher who could get me some of that. I'll try it!

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:02 pm
by alanc
A good few years ago now, but I got my old girl Sally to eat using cooked Haddock when she became reluctant to eat anything.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:06 pm
by Oddcat
Hi, great to hear from you, but I'm so sorry it's not under better circumstances. What a worry for you. I completely understand the frustration and anxiety of a cat refusing to eat.

I had a lot of success with Royal Canin Recovery food with my old Oddcat in her twilight years. It's high energy, nutrient rich, highly palatable mush. It helped when Oddcat had problems with her mouth because it's easy to water down into a soupy paste which she could lap up. It was also great when she had meningitis, and nothing else would tempt her to eat.

It's expensive, but might be worth a try. I've included a link below, but you can get it from lots of other places.

I hope you find something that works for Willow. Sending love and best wishes x ... B0041TN5OE

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:45 pm
by angelaj
I have found that heating the food up helps my old man; it certainly makes it smellier and he seems more likely to eat when the smell is really strong.

I hope you find something she likes soon.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:22 pm
by bobbys girl
Thanks for your replies. We have used Recovery before as a 'tonic' for our skinny Minnie, Purdy. She LOVES it. As I remember, Willow's not so struck but it is worth a shot. She does like fish. I might get a small piece from ASDA tomorrow.

Good news from the vets tonight. Willow has had something to eat and drink and seems happier in herself. :D

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:35 pm
by Kay
My Penny won't eat any wet food, but she will lap up the gravy from Gourmet and Sheba pouches, so I squeeze it out and feed the solids to one of my outdoor cats. I don't know how much nutrient is in it, but it looks quite rich.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:59 pm
by Mayday21
As you know Willow’s in my thoughts. There’s good practical advice posted. Keep us posted. Sending +ve vibes. Vivian

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:22 pm
by bobbys girl
I do know that, thank you Vivian. It is not looking good for the little girl. We had a long talk with Monika at the vets today. She showed us Willow's Xray and compared it with another cats. Her heart is slightly enlarged and there is something pressing on her thorax. But the really odd thing is her organs are sort of squished up higher than they should be Monika says the only time she has seen that is as a result of some trauma whereby the diaphragm is damaged and internal organs move up into the chest cavity.

We had a long discussion about it and decided that our amazing little cat has been like this for years, for most of her life which would explain a lot about her. She has never been as active as the other cats and has always had a soft baggy belly that we always thought was just how she was. She has always had a good appetite but has never had big meals (unlike Gracie who could gorge herself senseless!)

So, as it stands, there is not much more they can do for her which is not invasive and I honestly think she has had enough. She came home with us and has some meds to help her. She is happier at home and has been wandering around quite happily. Monika says when the time comes that one of the vets will come here so we don't have to put her through any more stress.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I feel it is the end of an era. Willow was my first ever cat. She's the one who started me on the Crazy Cat Lady road. I will miss her so much. But am determined to make her last few days as happy as possible.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:56 am
by fjm
I am so sorry. I hope the time that is left is filled with moments of comfort and contentment for Willow and for you.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 7:27 am
by booktigger
I'm sorry to hear this.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:55 am
by Mollycat
So sorry to read this. We give and give and in the end we have only one gift left to give them, the hardest and kindest gift of all. Wishing you strength for the days ahead, may they be gentle and beautiful for you both.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:49 pm
by bobbys girl
Thank you for your kind comments. We are going to make her as comfortable as possible. She was content sitting by the fire and lay on our bed overnight - which is not like her. When we spoke to her she blew us kitty kisses.

The vet called this morning to see how she was, which was very nice of her. She said there would be 'someone available' if we fine she has had enough. She spent the day in the wardrobe, but now is lying in front of the fire. I'm kind of hoping she drifts off in her sleep.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:06 pm
by Mayday21
Hi Sue. Just read your post from yesterday. Its just after 6am here. I’m feeling for you. Give the little lady heaps of fusses from me. What a nice way to spend time by the fire with lots of love and care. Vivian

Re: Willow Update - RIP little girl

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:45 pm
by bobbys girl
Pussy Willow passed over to The Bridge at 11.45 this morning. After a lovely last weekend of cuddles and walks around the garden, she was starting to struggle this morning and just didn't want to know.

We bought her home and let the others say goodbye in there own way. Billy and Willow's friend Purdy sat with her and sniffed her, Bob just sat looking at the carrier, Gracie went around the back of the sofa. It was pouring with rain so we will bury her in the herb garden tomorrow.

She was the cat who started it all, my first cat, and will be much missed. Hopefully she is at the Bridge with Tommy and Freddie. :cry:
rsz_1willow_1.jpg (9.52 KiB) Viewed 7279 times

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:40 pm
by booktigger
I'm so sorry to hear that, RIP little one. I'm glad you had a lovely last weekend though

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 6:42 pm
by fjm
My thoughts are with you at this sad time, but I am glad you all had these last few precious days together, and that she made it so plain that the time had come to say goodbye.

Good night, pussy Willow. No more pain or discomfort, no more tiredness, just a little sleep before you run free between the stars.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:17 pm
by bobbys girl
Thank you both for your lovely comments.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:34 pm
by alanc
Very sad to see Willow has gone. Your first cat is always special.

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:25 am
by Lilith
Very very sorry to read of this. It's the end of an era, isn't it? It doesn't matter how old they are or how obvious it is that they are ready to go - it's a dreadful thing to face, and experience afterwards.

Sleep tight, little Willow, lots of love and hugs, Sue - Lil xxx

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:16 pm
by Oddcat
So sorry to hear. Willow was very lucky to have you. I'm sure she's playing happily at the Bridge now.

Sending big hugs x

Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:42 pm
by Mayday21
Hi Sue sure you know you & Dave have been in my thoughts. As I wrote on mum’s service sheet, “A page is turned, a chapter ends, a life well lived.” Treasure the memories. Willow, Freddie, Tommy, Katie et all are all together at the Bridge waiting. We live in hope my friend. Vivian

Re: Willow Update - RIP little girl

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:31 pm
by issiandarchie+68
bobbys girl wrote: Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:45 pm Pussy Willow passed over to The Bridge at 11.45 this morning. After a lovely last weekend of cuddles and walks around the garden, she was starting to struggle this morning and just didn't want to know.

We bought her home and let the others say goodbye in there own way. Billy and Willow's friend Purdy sat with her and sniffed her, Bob just sat looking at the carrier, Gracie went around the back of the sofa. It was pouring with rain so we will bury her in the herb garden tomorrow.

She was the cat who started it all, my first cat, and will be much missed. Hopefully she is at the Bridge with Tommy and Freddie. :cry:
Hi honey, I rarely log on to Catchat anymore, now living a pet free life, I have only just read your post. I am very sorry to hear of much adored Willow's passing. I have been sitting staring at her photos for such a long time, so like but even more beautiful than my beloved Armand. Wish I could wrap you in warm hugs.


Re: Willow not eating - any ideas?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 4:55 pm
by Ruth B
I've only just caught up with this one, and can only add my sorrow to that already expressed, it never gets any easier.