Coco and Chanel dilemma

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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Aww great pics - fusses to C&C and Lucy too.

Hey Vivian sorry to hear you're having a bad time - hugs and love and fusses to your guys too x
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Realised yesterday that something Coco did on Sat night was actually quite a big thing – she went and sat on the floor near the door, then laid on her side and started cleaning herself, showing her belly in the process. I commented on what a nice belly it was, she briefly stopped and looked at me, but then decided cleaning herself was more important. You can buy silicone grooming things that wrap round scratching posts, am going to buy one of those when I get paid. If that doesn’t work, then I’ll get an arch, but I am running out of floor space! Was at the vets with Lucy last night, so registered them – the vet overhead and asked if I’d finally caved in, so told her I didn’t really have much choice, can’t foster cats when you don’t volunteer for the charity! She agreed that it isn’t ideal to keep them confined, but then when I showed her the pic of Coco twelve months apart, she did agree it doesn’t look like they are bothered by it, and maybe in 5 years I’ll be able to stroke them, although it may be grudgingly. I just don’t know what I will do if they show signs of being bothered by being confined. I was saying that Chanel will happily rub my legs, purr when she sees me, shows her belly, but then pulls away from contact, she said she’s just odd, I said ‘well, she is my cat, would you expect anything different?’
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Chanel is rubbing my legs more and more - all 3 times I fed them yesterday! She has only started doing that in the past few weeks, so maybe in another month there will be another breakthrough. She got close to snow this morning for the first time, she was the only one of the three who was curious!!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Bless her. Molly thinks the snow is butterflies, but we haven't had much yet.

Molly started the leg rubbing when she really started bonding with me - things look hopeful :)
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Kay »

my two outdoor cats weave around my legs and don't recoil from my hands now, as long as I have dishes of food in them :D

I lost little Tosker last week - he died under anaesthetic whilst the vet was looking for clues as to why he was struggling to eat - and I shall try to bring in the siamese type cat - a neutered female I think - when it's warm enough to leave the back door open, so she can chose to come into the house in her own time
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

I hope so Lil. Fingers crossed she takes advantage of the offer of a house Kay
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Kay, I'm so sorry to hear about Tosker! (Hugs) Love, Lil x
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Went into the cat room this morning to find there was quite a bit of snow in the catio – there was none forecast, but the sky last night did look like there was snow in it. Chanel went out and played, when I went back in to shut the window, Coco looked really doleful at me, so I told her she was lucky that she doesn’t have to live outside in it – she kind of looked like ‘I know’!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Mayday21 »

Hi Desley sounds Chanel’s coming along heaps & bounds. Maybe she know she’s has her furever home. You’ve had snow & up North Qld, Townsville, floods - one in a 500-yr event our premier’s calling it. Alas while the farmers out west needed rain after 4yrs drought they now are suffering stock loss due to weakness/drownings. They estimate 300,000 lost. What a horrid start we’ve had to 2019 & the year of the Pig is supposed to be full of richness!!! Haven’t been on Catchat for a tad ... stuff happening but thinking of you all. Kay condolences on little Tosker. Vivian
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Yes, they are doing well - I had to take the grooming mat back as it was too small for the den and too large for the shop bought scratch post, so bought one of the arches, they were half price. She has gone through it both with and without toys, but not convinced her fur is getting close to the brushes. We are trying the second litter, I wasn't sure at first as it is a very dark grey, but it is a fine sand like litter and it doesn't seem to be tracking that much - or if it is, I can't see it or feel it. These seem to be like Lucy, will just use the tray regardless of what litter I put in it. I did notice when Coco was eating off my hand the other day that she has blondish hairs running through her tail.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

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One of my neighbours friends came round on Sun to pick up some food that my spoilt brats wont eat, hopefully hers will! She is like me, ended up with more cats than she wanted as she was feeding cats at her work, then when they shut the factory, she got CP to help her trap them, and had them in her spare room to introduce them gradually, although her existing cats are a lot friendlier than mine so didn’t have to confine them quite as long. When I said that it wasn’t my choice to keep these two, as it broke my promise to Lucy, she said ‘but sometimes needs must, and they seem content in here’, which I was pleased about. Bizarrely neither of them ran away, even though Chanel was in the open on the floor, and neither hissed, although Coco’s body language wasn’t great, she was laid in a really odd position with her ears flat. She gave them two treats each, which they ignored but had gone by the time we got back from shopping. Then I was telling her about Lucy, and she was in awe at how in tune with my cats I am, and the things I’ve done for them. She didn’t say much about the catio, although she already knew about that, but she was really impressed with the den. I think the combination of that and the catio is the reason it is working as well. Was looking for a new litter scoop in the wardrobe last night, and realised that now I’m not fostering, I don’t need the amount of stuff that is in there (beds, blankets, trays, scoops), so I think I might sort through it all and take it to the charity Lucy is from, or even split it between them and the charity the girls are from. It did dawn on me while I was sweeping their room on Sun that the charity never came back to me about the adoption fee, although that makes it a tad awkward as I also haven’t had the microchip details. I also like the fact that while Chanel was born outside and has human trust issues due to that, she came in early enough that even though she is 2 this year, she is still very kittenish and playful, whereas Coco is still unsure what play is, although she is getting better, she even attempted to play with Da Bird last week, that normally scares her – wish I had an idea how old she is.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Here's a pic of Chanel being her daft self
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Mrs Coco you've got a lovely daughter ... :D
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Mayday21 »

She’s gorgeous. Do you think you need to f/up on microchip transfer? Hopefully they’ll not worry about the adoption fees? We’ve just had an announcement cyclone watch for Oma don’t know how many times they’ve changed their minds on what Oma’s doing. It’s a tad windy but nothing to worrying, they say should increase tomorrow, Fri, & over weekend. It’s been a while since Brisbane’s been on a cyclone watch, about 15 yrs. Vivian
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Have had a really good week this week with them, feel a lot more positive that keeping them was the right thing to do, and I think a big part of that is having more time with them due to quitting my voluntary work, not sure it would have worked as well otherwise. Tue night I popped back in after feeding everyone and didn't fully shut the door, Chanel went to it, and Lucy was on the landing, so growled and hissed at her - Chanel didn't react in the slightest, but makes me feel like integrating them isn't going to happen any time soon. Wed my neighbours granddaughter came round, Chanel took one look at her and ran in the catio, Coco hissed at her, but she is used to being hissed at, so she carried on walking towards her, so got growled and popped at! Thu night Coco went near the door, laid on her side and then when I called her name, she glanced at me, which I got a pic of, and that made me feel so positive. I did leave the door slightly open that night too, and she went to investigate, but she does respond to her name. After lying on her side, she got playful in a mad way and jumped on the small scratch post, and then wasn't sure what to do, Chanel thought that was a good game and kept batting her legs/tail! Last night she felt relaxed enough again to lie on her side, then decided to clean her bits, which while a good sign, I could have done without! They have enjoyed this nice weather and spent the majority of the time in the catio, they are currently in there now
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Not sure what to do now r.jpg
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Well, Lucy seems to be getting more curious about the girls – sitting on the landing more, although when I let her peek in there, she does hiss at the girls, but then I throw her a treat to pacify her, so decided to move things up a level and shut Lucy in with me overnight and let the girls have the run of the house –however my bedroom door only gets shut for vet visits I didn’t know how she would react. Luckily I’ve been feeding her supper on the landing for a while, so started with moving that in the bedroom for the first week, that didn’t faze her, then last Fri I shut her in with me overnight – she was a bit spooked and went under the bed, but came out when I switched the light off, and then was fine until about 6.40. Since then she doesn’t even bother when I shut the door, as she knows she gets supper, so this Fri, I’m going to open the girls door – slight logistic issues with shutting her in and letting them out without anyone seeing each other, and the reverse in the morning, but hopefully I’ll figure something out – Sunday’s are going to be the hardest as I won’t be able to bribe her with food cos her medicine has to be given on an empty stomach. I suspect for the first couple of nights they will barely venture from the room, but for cats like them, the house being quiet and dark should give them the confidence to explore, and hopefully they will bonded enough with their room to go back in the morning for breakfast. Chanel is food orientated enough, but not 100% convinced about Coco.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Ha - a good experiment in integration :)

Good luck!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Well, that didn't go at all like I expected! I ended up popping back in 2 hours later, poor Chanel was cowering in a corner, I went to speak gently to her to calm her down, and she was that petrified she let me stroke her, although Coco was growling at me! When I got up this morning, Coco was in her usual place, but Chanel was cowering at the side of the litter tray! After I shut the door she came and sat at the side of the tray, but was very wary. Then I noticed they hadn't even eaten all their supper, don't think that has ever happened before! Just sat with them now, Chanel is quite unsettled. Not sure I'll try that again for a while, Chanel seems curious about the door, but clearly they are happier in here than I thought.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Ruth B »

Poor girls, sometimes we think we know what is best and it proves otherwise.

They are obviously happiest in their room for the time being, maybe one day they will want to explore more, but there is no need to push the issue.

It also proves that you did the right thing adopting them, I hate to think how much stress moving would have put them under, particularly if they had been separated as well.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Yes, they clearly feel safe in here. I didn't think of it like that, I dread to think what they would have been like if they had been rehomed.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Oh I'm really sorry to hear this.

Yes, they obviously felt as you or I might if the front room window had gone and our house was open to the street. On the other hand they might have been eager to explore - just can't tell with cats.

At least you tried and now you know what they prefer. Hope is all back to normal soon; they've had a long tradition of security with you so hopefully they'll forget this anxious episode.

They are a pair, aren't they? :)
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Yes, I was clearly wrong about Chanels curiosity towards the door! Hopefully she will settle, I couldn't even get her to relax to play just then, might go and spray some pet remedy
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Well, the girls do seem to have forgiven me, Coco at least doesn't seem fazed by it. I did spray some Pet Remedy though, and now Chanel is at least sat in one of the beds and not with her mum! In the stress of this morning, I forgot to say I had a really good evening with them, Coco was very relaxed and was even running after a toy I threw her!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

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They were playing by teatime, and got some lovely pics of Coco, who was the one unfazed by anything. I suspect if they'd been homed in a 'normal' house, they would be the kind of cats who would choose to live in one room, clearly they can't cope with more than that
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Well, Chanel is now 2 years old! She has been less playful this past couple of weeks, which I think is due to getting older, but my neighbour thinks because of having access to the house more. Unfortunately she still hasn't got any better with being touched. On Friday, I made the mistake of letting Lucy out of my room before checking the girls were back in their room, as they always are by that time. Unfortunately not on Fri, Chanel wasn't in the room, she flew up the stairs and then stopped when she saw Lucy! I was very impressed though, Lucy just hissed and looked at her, but didn't attack, and didn't have a go at me for nudging her back towards my room so Chanel could go back in. Before we realised Chanel was out, Lucy had seen Coco in the room and hissed at her. They are now out every other night, they have stolen one of Lucy's toys and taken another 2 upstairs but left them on the landing!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Ruth B »

It sounds like things are going amazingly well.

It could well be a combination of things that is causing Chanel to play less, she is older and they do play less when older (although my 4 year old girl still loves to chase a ball around) and having access to the rest of the house every other night will be giving her mind a lot more to think about during the day. It isn't a bad thing it is just a change.

If Lucy has just been hissing then that is a very good sign that she is accepting them as cohabiting even if not as friends, she is just making sure they know that she was there first and not to get any ideas. Sometimes that is as good as it gets, we might want all our cats to be best buddies, but we have to accept that sometimes the cats have other ideas.

Always great to hear an update on how they are doing.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Hey Booktigger I'm sorry I never noticed the March photos - I must have been out to lunch lol. Errm I generally am ...

Chanel's TWO???

Mmmmm, just quieting down ... My Molly's still manic and she's 8 in July ... like tomorrow, though I've noticed she's been a bit more sedate in the hot weather. It can't last. (And neither can the hot weather in West Yorks.) She was never feral but I've only just, in the last months, been able to stroke her face, briefly, and slip a finger gently into the ear pinna and fondle it ('What's this ear then?') Just in case I ever have to clean it for her. (I have very short nails.)

Roaming at night and Lucy only hissing ('Huh, what's she keeping you two for? I suppose you can stay ...on my terms!') does sound like integration's beginning - congrats and great photos :D
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Yes, things are going well, and Lucy now automatically walks into my room for her supper, which is good. This morning, Chanel kept rolling over and purring while gazing at me, so cute! I think you are right, it probably is a combination of things. I am pleased Lucy didn’t get physical, only the other week one of my neighbours cats was sat at the side of my car and Lucy went over and tapped his bum! She does still growl at their door when it’s shut though. I’m sure that by the end of Sept, when I’ll have had them 2 years, they will be out every night. I let them out before I brush my teeth now, so Chanel sits in their doorway watching me, so I keep some dreamies in the bathroom to throw one to entice her out. When I went in the kitchen this morning, I noticed someone had moved Lucy’s rainbow cord in there! Glad you are able to touch Molly a bit better.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Yup, the little horror is snuggled right next to me, taking up all the room - Good golly Miss Molly, you sure like to sprawl ...
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Had a little breakthrough with Chanel last night, she was sat in one of the beds when I was scooping the tray and I told her I’d love to touch her leg, started waggling my finger while getting it closer to her, despite Coco hissing from the next bed, she looked surprised when I got to her fur but didn’t move, so I got to touch her skin before she decided that was enough and jumped down, so I got her a treat. She was funny again this morning, rolling over, showing her belly, purring at me, edging closer to me – sniffing fingers is acceptable, but I tried to stretch out to touch her paw – she moved back, but then carried on showing her belly and purring! Coco was just watching this, a bit hissy at first and then more curious, so they both got a treat, but Coco hit hers off my hand. Yes, their looks were a big issue in me putting them up for adoption. I am pleased at how relaxed Coco can be with me in the room, although even asleep she can sense me moving to peek at her, so don’t get many pics of her in relaxed mode.
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