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Cat toys for injured cat.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 1:39 pm
by BeaA94
Hi Everyone
I am adopting a brown Burmese cat called Arlo. She used to spend a lot of time outside in her last house- but unfortunately got into an accident with a car (hence her rehoming). And now has a back leg that doesn't work properly. I live in a flat and am wary that she might get rather bored. Have anyone got suggestions of toys to help keep her entertained, engaged and enriched.
Any advice would be fantastic!
Bea & Arlo

Re: Cat toys for injured cat.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 4:54 pm
by Mollycat
Oh wow how lovely of you to take her on with her disability. Firstly is there any outside access at all or are you off the ground? As she has been outside before, perhaps harness training or a large dog crate that you could carry her to might give her some safe time with grass under her paws and a breeze through her fur.

For indoors, what sort of age is she? The younger she is, the more likely she will find her own ways to get around her handicap and astonish you with how normally she seems to move around. Being a back leg, it's relatively easy to adapt - my neighbour's cat lost her back leg at the age of 12 in a dog attack, she can't jump but what she can climb she climbs, beds and sofas are no trouble.

I would suggest based on experience with Tripod Tig, a horizontal cardboard scratcher, laser pen, catnip stuffed toys and just loose dried catnip leaf, see what she can still do with the toys she already liked before. I would still get a cat tree, especially if she is young, as she may well adapt to climbing front wheel drive - one with ramps. She may appreciate high up places that she can reach, and dens to hide in. Boxes like shoe boxes and toilet rolls can or treat dispenser balls can help with dexterity and balance. Things like fishing rod feathery toys can be a great distraction. Maybe just see what "normal" toys she seems to like and develop ideas from there.