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I like to see others cats

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:22 pm
by Woebegone
I like cats, but I do not have cats because I'm afraid he'll leave before me :!:

Re: I like to see others cats

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:44 pm
by Lilith
Hi, and welcome :)

Well yes, this is the trouble with cats. They're lent to us for a while only - but the love we give and get during that period, the company of these enchanting creatures, is what compensates.

It's awful when they're ill (and sometimes a healthy bank balance is needed) they can be a total pain in the posterior when they wake you up at 3am, cheerfully trampolining on you, they are demanding, raucous and they take your life over. BUT - they're cats. Utterly loving :D

And so many cats out there, especially older ones, needing homes and love.

Do I detect from your post that you're on the brink of being persuaded? You do seem to be considering the idea of a cat.

If I were a cat I'd rather have you for an owner than someone who just made an impulse decision and didn't think it through ...

Re: I like to see others cats

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 2:54 pm
by Alice
You might consider helping a charity by fostering a cat which is waiting for a home. That way you could see how you get on with a cat in your home, before committing to taking one, or better two, permanently. Hopefully that would convince you to become a cat slave, like us all on here! :)

Best of luck - let us know how you get on, and for advice if necessary.