My Jelly Bean RIP

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My Jelly Bean RIP

Post by Diana »

Hey everyone

I am sure many remember me and my awful plight with my girl Shelly. I have not been able to post here for some time cause it hurt too darn much. My girl Shelly was put to rest on 30th Sept at around 11.35am. I miss her terribly and I hate that I couldn't help her. Sadly we believe she had an issue with her brain, a suspected tumour or lesion. The last week and half was very hard as she was wasting away, her weight was dropping off, yet she still looked beautiful and happy. The awful journey started when she suddenly stopped eating and it got worse as she began running from me and hiding. I thought this isn't my girl, what is going on. My Shelly loved her food and when it started becoming such a battle to feed her, we knew we were fighting a losing battle. She was only around 11yrs old so still has a lot of life in her.

In the last few days of her life Shelly looked happier and brighter so it was odd and the days after she was gone I felt a sense of peace but the last few days have been hard cause other then Shelly not eating...she seemed ok and I am no going insane trying to understand if there was another reason. I started to volunteer at a cat shelter and there was several oldie cats who looked so cute but they looked much worse then my Shelly and yet they seemed to be doing fine, I think that was what triggered my feelings as to what really was wrong with my girl. Whatever the true cause she is gone and that hurts me a lot and will forever pain me.

Shelly my girl I love you so much and your forever with me.

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Re: My Jelly Bean RIP

Post by Crewella »

Hi Diana, I'm glad you feel able to post here now. It's often been said on here 'better a day too early than a day too late', and I really believe that. You wouldn't have wanted to wait until she was really in pain and suffering, and it was clear there was something wrong. All of us here know how hard you tried for her, and how much you loved her. (((hugs)))

Rest in peace, beautiful Shelly.

*lovely pic of her looking up - just gorgeous* xx
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Re: My Jelly Bean RIP

Post by bobbys girl »

Dear Diana,

Lovely to hear from you again. I agree with everything Helen said. There is no doubt you did all you could for her.

Those are 2 lovely photo's of you beautiful girl. RIP Shelly.

Many (hugs) to you.

Sue xx
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Re: My Jelly Bean RIP

Post by JulieandBarney »

Hi Diana..

I too experienced so many of the"I wonder why..?" and 'what if's..' after we lost 'CC' The very afternoon we took him to the vet to be put to sleep, was probably his brightest for a while, he actually came downstairs from his hiding place under the bed and jumped on our tore me apart that he seemed to pick up a little on that very I fully understand, I had so many 'what ifs ?' for quite some time, but deep down in my heart, I knew that what I had done was for the best, before the pain would have really set in, you did everything you possibly could for Shelley and she was lucky to have been cared for by you, these first few weeks are so hard and thoughts will cram your mind, as they did mine, accept them as part of the grieving process. Shelley is still with just can't see her....xx
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Re: My Jelly Bean RIP

Post by Diana »

Thank you.

Everyone of you were with me during that week, it was the worst week of my life. As you said Julie with your CC, Shelly seemed brighter in her last days. Jelly Bean was a nickname she had, she had so many lol. I love you lots my beautiful girl, we will meet again. Until then play til your hearts content.
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Re: My Jelly Bean RIP

Post by SarahT1 [PLLE] »

Thinking of you, Diana. Your girl is watching over you. x
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