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Devastated, completely heartbroken

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 2:44 pm
by Jamie99
So this morning I had the biggest shock of my life, my beautiful baby of just over a year old. I found dead in the garden shed. I checked him over for any obvious marks but found nothing. My mind bongles on and on with what could’ve possibly happened to him. Maybe internal injuries from being hit from a car, maybe heart issues or maybe the rumours of one of our neighbours being a poisoner is true. I don’t know if I want to lay him peacefully to rest or get a post mortem done to found out exactly what’s happened,

completely heartbroken

R.I.P Cosmo

Re: Devastated, completely heartbroken

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 7:15 pm
by Kay
how horrible for you - I can totally understand your shock

I am no expert, but would have thought there would have been some evidence of poisoning - I have had a cat killed on the road with no sign of injuries, and sudden death from a heart condition does happen

as for a post mortem, I think I would want one if I had a sibling, in case of a hereditary condition, but even then a thorough check over by the vet would probably answer any such questions

sometimes we have to just accept horrible things, and try not to prolong the turmoil not knowing what happened brings - and personally I have found planning a special spot in the garden for a beloved cat has been a start to coming to terms with the loss

Re: Devastated, completely heartbroken

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 11:00 pm
by Bertie 2017
Hi so sorry for your loss , it’s natural to have these thoughts when things happen suddenly ,
Now I am not saying ,something bad hadn’t happened ,because believe me ,some people ,
Can be cruel and unkind to animals , as for a post Mortum if you feel it will give you the
Answers you seek ,then do it ,it will spare you a lot of pain from blaming yourself for it ,
It’s natural too blame yourself ,when you don’t have the answers , but often things like
This are sadly out of our hands ,and we are often so hard on ourselves ,but on the other hand
If he was poisoned, by someone , how would you feel about it ? ,,it’s hard too accept when
It’s natural causes ,but by the hand of a coward ,? I would feel that knowing how my cat ,
Died , would upset me more ,it’s a hard one , but you do what you feel is best ,sadly
I cannot make that decision for you ,but I what you too know ,everyone is here for you,
And will help you , my thoughts are always with you

Hugs and thoughts


Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 6:52 pm
by Jamie99
I don’t know if this notifies everyone but I thought I’d post a little update. I did go down the root of sorting a post mortem out for him. We did have confusion though. We found him on the Saturday Morning and I rung up my out of hours vet. She told me that post mortem couldn’t do the procedure or even contacted until the Monday. I believed that and went on with it and took him in to be put into cold storage as advised by the vet too.

today I got a phone call from a different member of staff at the same vet saying that she couldn’t get hold of the post mortem people and said that might not be able to do one as he’d been kept in cold storage which the post mortem people doesn’t recommend and say that they’d ideally like the body to be fresh and taking in same day which if I knew I probably would have done.

In other words they wanted £320 for the post mortem to be completed and the down side was that they’d for some reason need him to be cremated, which we didn’t want and that would’ve cost an extra £100. So me and my family have decided we didn’t want that and put us through my grief and especially Cosmo and to get him back and bury peacefully for a final time.

I’m full of emotions right now and feel like it’s my fault for putting him through all of this but this is what I got advised from a “professional vet” and I was too gullible to believe it. At the moment we’re all still devastated but at least we know we can get him back and he can be at peace where he belongs. Yes, we didn’t get the answers we wanted but we’ve got to accept sometimes in life you can’t get the answers you seek.

R.I.P Cosmo, we all love you so much and you’ll forever remain a special place in all of our hearts.

Love you loads mate x

Re: Devastated, completely heartbroken

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 12:29 am
by Bertie 2017
Hi Jamie ,I have just read your post ,sadly my opinion is that vets only care about the money,
And as for the fact ,he was kept frozen ,shouldn’t have made a difference ,I decided too
Pay for Bertie’s ashes ,which are kept in a cat sharpened casket , living in a rented house
Means I am not allowed to bury ,anyway back to you ,how are you feeling ? ,I understand
How painful ,this is ,and you shouldn’t blame yourself ,for what has happened ,but still I
Understand ,why we have these thoughts ,we have lost a beloved cat ,a best friend ,
I blamed myself for a long time ,after Bertie accident ,but now I understand ,that ,
It wasn’t my fault ,sadly these things happen ,and it’s hard too make sense of it all ,
But now I’d say I am wiser ,and understand the pattern of grief ,I have often heard be
Kind too yourself , no truer words , have been spoken , so please don’t blame yourself ,
Whatever happened too Cosmo you may never find out ,but I think it’s lovely that you
Have chosen too bury him ,and remember ,him ,because I am sure he was very special
Little cat ,who you will love forever , hugs and thoughts too you all