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felix south london

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 5:34 pm
by VW
I have 3 lovely rescue cats, recently someone who lives across the street decided that they no longer want to keep their cat and have thrown him out, he spent the summer roaming around before deciding to live in my garden shed, I have been feeding him and since the weather has changed have been bringing him indoors. The problem is that he is not used to other cats, is scared and keeps trying to fight my cats. He is aged approx 4, called felix because he looks just like the felix cat! He loves having his head stroked, loves a nap on my knee and sometimes drapes himself across my chest like a scarf, he is a bit nervous due to his circumstances, but can be an absolute sweetheart and would make a lovely companion to someone who does not have any other cats! Eats well , both wet and dry food and just deserves a loving home. If you would be able to give Felix a home please get in touch

Re: felix south london

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 7:10 pm
by Cat-FAQ
Cat Chat’s rehoming advice page might help: