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2 yr old cat not eating

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 9:49 pm
by Sarah b
Hello, i’m new here and just looking for advice really!

My 2 year old female cat who has always been extremely greedy has stopped eating. This happened a couple of weeks ago and after her not touching her food for a full day we called the vets and made an appointment for the following morning. They gave her antibiotic and anti-inflammatory injections and told us to bring her back the next day to see how she is. The next day she was no better, had eaten a little and had been sick. They kept her in all day, took bloods and xrays, both came back normal and they checked her throat and nose for any stuck grass and nothing. Ther put it down to a virus and said to monitor her. That night she started eating again, purring and playing like nothing had happened, the next week she was fine, back to normal until today! Not touched her food again since last night, sleeping and doesn’t seem her normal self. We have had a lot of road works and landscaping done around our house today (new build estate) and the field area she usually plays in has today been full of workmen strimmimg the weeds and cutting the grass. She disappeared all day and only came home once they had left. I’m wondering if they spooked her!

Has anyone else had a similar situation? I hate seeing her not her usual happy self!


Re: 2 yr old cat not eating

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:54 am
by fjm
It could be the stress, but is it possible that the work has also included weedkillers or other chemicals? I would watch her and contact the vet if she hasn't picked up after a good night's sleep.

Re: 2 yr old cat not eating

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:28 am
by Mollycat
I take it you have tried all her usual irresistible naughty foods? It's a careful balance if she starts to do this more often, as they are extremely clever at training us and if she figures out refusing all food will earn her the best treats, suddenly you can have a problem on your hands. But when they feel genuinely off colour it should help just to get some nourishment inside them which then perks them up more, hopefully. I give my girl tuna water (spring not brine of course) if need be and I know if she won't take that it's time to worry.