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Cat can't find his way back in through the flap

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 11:36 pm
by Lou_lou
Hello all,

I need a bit of advice...

I've got two rescue kittens about 9 months old and they have had a flap for about a month now. One is a bit of a special little snowflake... known for totally misjudgement of jumps etc.

So they are quite happy with the flap but SLS has taken to wandering after dark and for two nights now, he seems to have gotten lost and ended up yamming at the front door (rather than going over the fence into the garden and using the flap). I've heard him both nights and let him in but I'm a bit anxious about it.

Any ideas?



Re: Cat can't find his way back in through the flap

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:45 am
by Lilith
Hi and welcome :)

Bless him! He does sound a bit of a dope (lads often are.)

I feel it might be a good idea not to let him out after dark for the time being (safer anyway) and to supervise him as closely as you can when he is out. If he's not very good at jumping and so on he's more vulnerable outside than the average cat (who's still vulnerable.)

I used to let my cats roam but nowadays I'm thankful I've enclosed my back garden so that they can't get over the fence to roam; not feasible for everyone I know but cuts out a lot of anxiety.

All the best with him and his ?brother/?sister :)

Re: Cat can't find his way back in through the flap

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:22 pm
by Crewella
I agree with Lilith, I'd keep him in after dark for now and leave the issue until later in the year. The problem is that once he knows you'll let him in at the front door, he'll just keep asking! Dope or not, you do have to wonder who is training who sometimes! :P

Re: Cat can't find his way back in through the flap

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:37 pm
by bobbys girl
Yeh, you need some ground rules while he's still young. We are supposed to be keeping Bob in for another two weeks, but I've given up trying. He gets on the dressing table and throws stuff on the floor and if we try to keep him out of the bedroom he throws himself against he door until he knocks it off the latch.

Keep him in (and keep your nerve!) until the nights get lighter and try him again.