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Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:59 am
by pcb75
Just wanted to post that we lost our beloved cat this weekend. We think he was knocked over by a car but not sure. Finding him the next day was one of the worst moments of my life. He was only 7 so had plenty of years left so as well as being sad I am frustrated and angry. Although the pain eases day by day it still feels like a piece of my heart has gone forever.
Never thought I would feel like this about a pet, I am 39 years old, male, manager and weight lifter so probably not your average poster! Just miss his spirit and personality. Hopefully one day the pain will be gone and I can then concentrate on the nice memories.

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:49 am
by bobbys girl
Hello pcb75 and welcome to CC, although I wish it could be in happier circumstances. I am so sorry for your loss. It is always a sad time when we lose a pet. It is especially hard when it is sudden and the pet is still young.

All of us here understand what you are going through. I remember the gut-wrenching shock of finding our Cassidy 2 days after he went missing (the vet said probable heart failure). It does get better in time and you do have the happy memories and the knowledge that you gave him a good life.

As for being an 'average poster' - what's one of those? :) For many years, my OH was a manager at Michelin (not for the faint-hearted). He's a wrinkly 65 now :lol: and spends his time fishing and helping a friend restore classic cars and HE'S the one with the subscription to 'Your Cat'. He also goes weight training - and that's where we are heading now!

If you want to 'howl at the moon', feel free, we'll join in.



Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:26 am
by pcb75
Thanks Sue for your kind words. As for the average poster guess I am guilty of thinking it would be mostly women on here, sorry, my mind is a bit scrambled at the moment!
Its funny as always was a dog person but this guy really bonded with me and now converted.
We are going to cremate him and sprinkle his ashes in a flower pot with a picture of him embedded on it, and grow a rose in his memory.

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:13 pm
by hgale
Hello and welcome from me too.

I'm so sorry about your cat, and that is a lovely way to remember him, don't worry about feeling angry and upset - when we lose our cats, its losing one of the family - especially one still quite young.

RIP dear puss, enjoy Rainbow Bridge.

Take care, Helen

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:12 pm
by Crewella
I'm so sorry, I lost a cat to the road recently and I know only too well what a horrible shock it is. I still miss her, but it's not like the pain I felt when it first happened. The rose is a lovely idea, and it will help you to focus on the happier memories. It does get easier.

RIP little cat, taken too early. xx

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:34 pm
by pcb75
Thank you all for your lovely comments, they do help. Just thinking how he loved to play fight all the time. Forever jumping out at my ankles lol.

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:39 pm
by Walesgang
So sorry to hear of your loss.

We live in rural west wales and have lost 2 cats to the quiet single track road outside over the 23 years we have lived in our present home.

It doesn't get any easier.

All of us here, wether male, female, young or old understand how you feel.

Cats get under your skin and become part of you. It is inevitable to miss them. Accept this and go with how you feel. It gets easier with time. Don't beat yourself up over it

RIP kitty. You were taken too young xx

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:01 am
by pcb75
Thank you, and sorry to hear of your losses, as with everyone else as well. He certainly did get under my skin, but just didn't realise how much. Looking forward to getting his ashes back next week actually, am hoping it will feel like he will be back with us in spirit.

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:14 pm
by HeatherG3000
I am so sorry to hear your terrible news. My little cat was sadly diagnosed with FIP on Monday and we are now trying to cherish every minute we have left with him. It is heartbreaking. Although he is still with us at the moment, we know it could be just days/weeks/months, but it is a death sentence hanging over us all. I had already decided I would plant roses for him when we eventually have to scatter his ashes, but I think your idea of a flower pot is beautiful and will now be doing this so that if we ever move home, he will always be with us.

Thinking of you and yours at this horrible time. They are family and touch us in a way that only a fellow feline owner would know.

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:19 pm
by pcb75
Thanks for your message Heather, and very sorry to hear about your cat. We got the ashes back yesterday and so we will be scattering them soon in our flower pot. I am glad doing this too has helped find you a way of remembering your cat. It has been nearly 2 weeks now and each day does get a bit better, but I will always remember the little fella.

Re: Lost my mate :(

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:09 am
by Grace56
Oh, I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

Yes, all of us on here have gone through the dreadful pain of losing a beloved pet. It's horrific but it will get better, believe me. And posting on here will help you.

Sleep well little puss.

Take care.