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Very Sudden Passing

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:07 pm
by GillianH
I lost my beautiful boy Emerson yesterday morning(30 January). He was a big 3 year old (or thereabouts) and in seemingly good health. I had only had him since the end of August 2015, having got him from a local rescue centre.

On Friday he was rushing around as normal, playing with toys and charging up and down the stairs, and meowing madly for food every time I went in the kitchen.

When I came downstairs yesterday morning he was lying on the kitchen floor. I said "come on Emerson, it's time for breakfast". When he didn't move I rushed over to him and at first thought he was ill and not moving. I picked him up and realised he was gone. He was still warm and floppy so had not been gone long. I don't know why he went. I've done some reading up about sudden deaths in cats and it seems cardiomyopathy could be the cause. He had no illness, appeared very healthy and lived life to the full.

I now have to at some point this week go through the heartbreaking task of burying him. I don't want to let him go, I know I have to, but I don't want to. Having only had him for just over 5 months I feel so cheated. He had years ahead of him.
Emerson 1.jpg
Emerson 1.jpg (17.45 KiB) Viewed 2701 times

Re: Very Sudden Passing

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:26 am
by bobbys girl
Hi Gillian,

I knew you had just lost a kitty, I am sorry to hear how it happened. It must have been such a shock.

We lost a cat, Cassidy, in similar circumstances, suddenly, just like that! The vet said it was probably his heart and there was nothing we could have done. It still hurts though doesn't it?

We lost our old lad Tommy just after Christmas. We wrapped him in his big towel and the following morning we buried him next to his friend Rosie dog. We said a little prayer and thanked him for being such a special cat. I have ordered a heuchera plant called 'Tommy' to plant on his grave. All this has helped us and given comfort and some closure. Perhaps you could do something similar?

RIP Emerson, you left too soon. Play happily at the Bridge 'til we meet again. (Hugs) to you Gillian.


Re: Very Sudden Passing

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:11 am
by Mayday21
Hi Gillian feel for you on Emerson's sudden passing. I can only say you are in my thoughts & understand your feelings. Take care & hugs. You'll get heaps of support here when you're feeling down. Hugs Vivian

Re: Very Sudden Passing

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:48 am
by Jamsie22
This is a lovely forum, where people understand what you are going through. I lost my cat in October aged 9 and can relate to feeling of shock and being cheated. Remember it wasn't your fault and from picture you paint, your cat sounded very happy. Take care of yourself.

Re: Very Sudden Passing

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:02 am
by GillianH
Thank you for your lovely replies. Unfortunately losing a beautiful cat is not new to me, in fact since August 2014 I have lost three (including dear Emerson) but the shock and pain is the same with each one because I loved them so much. My garden is like a Pet Cemetery :(

Re: Very Sudden Passing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:26 pm
by Mainecoon
So sorry about your loss . He was obviously SO LOVED & wanted for nothing .. Thinking of you at this time . X